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I have spent most of my career creating and producing experiences to motivate the user purchase products through the Advertising industry, in all media. After completing a few projects these past 2 years, with clients like Bodum, Brightcove or Lockheed Martin, and the acquired knowledge at GA, in the User Experience Design Immersive program, I am fully prepared to create and curate experiences to satisfy the user needs: 

Design Thinking, 
User Research, 
Competitive Analysis, 
Heuristic Evaluation, 
Personas, Scenarios, User Flows, 
Low/High-fidelity Wireframes, Prototypes/Testing, 
Information Architecture, Spec Documentation 
& Visual design. 

Agile process / Lean mindset. 

 I am a great listener and I am very passionate about my work.

I have been a pawn and I have been leader: 
I believe in collaborative environments;
I am a team player.


Key stages on my process

Tool case

Power Point
Google Docs
Pop App
Survey Monkey



UX Web Redesign

UX Web Redesign

UX/Interactive Responsive Design

UX/Interactive Responsive Design

UX Native Mobile App

UX Native Mobile App

Interactive  Interface Redesign

Interactive  Interface Redesign

UX/Interactive Retail Experience

UX/Interactive Retail Experience

Creative/Ad Pitch Campaign

Creative/Ad Pitch Campaign

Creative/Ad Positioning Campaign

Creative/Ad Positioning Campaign

Creative/Ad Action Campaign

Creative/Ad Action Campaign

Creative/Ad Winner of the USH Young Lions 2013

Creative/Ad Winner of the USH Young Lions 2013